Hygehos advantages
The modular and customisable system that can be adjusted to the needs of each centre.
The HYGEHOS Information System is a Healthcare Information System that meets the needs of healthcare centres of various sizes. It allows the creation of an Electronic Health Record where the need to store paper documents is greatly reduced. In addition to covering this basic need of any centre, HYGEHOS provides healthcare professionals with quick access to the patient's clinical information from any point in the network. On the other hand, the detailed record of the processes carried out results in very useful information in the administrative management of any organisation.
Learn moreModules of Hygehos Software
Main modules of the system

Electronic Health Record
Complete Electronic Health Record System
What is it?
Single record per patient. Access to the complete history of patients from a single point and structured according to two options: temporal vision and vision according to the type of document or service

Agendas - Appointments Module
Patient appointment tool.
What is it?
Management of doctor or service-machine agendas. Definition of time slots with the possibility of restrictions. Recitations and cancellations. Appointments from other modules (emergencies, outpatients, hospitalisation, etc.).

Outpatient module.
Outpatient care of patients.
What is it?
It has 'Anamnesis Sheet' and 'Evolution Sheet', test requests, automatic reports, etc.

Emergency Module.
Management of the centre's emergency service.
What is it?
It has 'Emergency Sheet', 'Nursing Record' and 'Discharge Report' of the emergency.

Hospitalisation Module.
The ultimate solution for health care.
What is it?
Includes the complete flow of the patient's hospitalisation from the request and management of the pre-admission to the moment of discharge and the generation of the corresponding discharge report. Administrative documents (clinical-statistics, admission authorisation, etc.), medical documents (anamnesis, evolution, treatments and diets, etc.) and nursing documents (evolution and care, chart of constants, etc.). Bed management

Operating Theatre Module.
La solución definitiva para los científicos del deporte y para el ajuste biomecánico.
What is it?
Includes waiting list, part of the operation and anaesthesia sheet.

Diets Module.
Get in shape.
What is it?
Generation of daily dishes and menus, registry of dishes selected by patient and various lists.

Invoicing module.
Generation of invoices to patients.
What is it?
Invoicing rules according to the paying entity.

Warehouse Module.
Management of warehouses and purchases.
What is it?
Sending orders by fax or e-mail. Registration of delivery notes and supplier invoices. Stock control by article, transfer between warehouses, inventories, automatic generation of 'unidosis' orders from plants, etc.
Other features
Any Hospital Management application requires a high level of interaction between the system user and the application.
The Hygehos® client is, according to the majority of its users, a very intuitive and user-friendly application. With the support of the end users, an application has been achieved that requires very little time to be able to carry out the users' daily activities without difficulty. Some additional advantages of an integrated environment are:
Hygheos system steps
A meticulous and precise process to guarantee the best quality to our customers.

Step 1: Study of needs
Study of the client's needs and adjust the necessary Hygehos modules to meet the client's needs.

Step 2: Study of current GIS
Study of the current GIS system at the client and planning to detail the migration process from the old system to Hygehos.

Step 3: Implementation of the GIS System
Implementation and carry out a period of pilot tests to validate the operation of Hygehos with the data migrated from the previous GIS.

Step 4: Initial boot
End the implementation on all client computers and start the maintenance period.
Hygheos Case studies
The experience of our clients endorse us.