With our configurator, you can design, quote, preview and directly send your order to the manufacturer with just a few clicks. Whether for kitchen, bathroom, office or living room furniture, our application provides the ability to create everything from a 2D plan to a 3D rendering in real time. In addition, the order submission process is automated and done remotely, without the need to leave the application.
The plan allows you to visualize a 2D sketch in a clear and precise way, including measurements, furniture location, appliances, installations, countertops and other linear elements, obtaining a detailed plan that will be of great help in your work.
With our configurator, you can preview 3D images of your design with the materials and finishes of your choice, and modify them to your liking until you achieve the desired result. In addition, you can show your customer different variants of the design and he can choose the finish he likes the most.
You also have the possibility to make quick and efficient quotations of your designs.
Our quotation program is able to generate not only the design quotation, but also variations with different finishes and appliances. In addition, if you prefer, you can make quotations without having to make the drawing beforehand, by directly selecting the products, their measurements and accessories from the catalog.
This module also allows you to create the order and exploded view sheets to be used in the manufacturing process.
We offer you the option to deliver to your customer a dossier including drawings and 3D images.